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产品编号: 121371
品牌: 丹麦BK公司
型号: 4447型
规格: 人体振动分析仪
单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 北京
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2020-12-15 15:55
浏览次数: 6

 Type 4447 measures and displays all relevant parameters in X, Y and Z direction, and logs RMS, MTVV, VDV and peak values with a 1 second interval. Data can be reviewed on the instrument, and it also comes with Vibration Explorer PC software 

供应丹麦BK公司4447型人体振动分析仪 for data archiving on a PC and calculation of vibration exposure.

供应丹麦BK公司4447型人体振动分析仪 用途

  • Hand-arm vibration measurements (according to ISO 5349)
  • Whole-body vibration measurements (according to ISO 2631-1)
  • Assessment of vibration exposure
  • SEAT (Seat Effective Amplitude Transmissibility) factor measurements

供应丹麦BK公司4447型人体振动分析仪 特点

  • Triaxial, single-axis and 3+1 measurements
  • EU DIrective parameters measured and displayed
  • RMS, MTVV, VDV (WB only) and peak values logged with 1 s interval (logging capacity > 4 hours)
  • Rechargable Li-Ion battery
  • USB connector for data transfer to PC, software maintenance and battery charging
  • Included PC software, Vibration Explorer BZ-5623, for data management and post-processing
  • Human vibration analyzer Type 4447 in the field

    供应丹麦BK公司4447型人体振动分析仪 Made for the field

    A tough aluminium shell and four big push buttons make it well-suited to harsh environments and easy to operate - even with thick gloves on your hands. 
  • 供应丹麦BK公司4447型人体振动分析仪 One unit for all measurements

    Fully loaded with application software, it supports both measurements of hand-arm (HA) and whole-body (WB) human response to vibration. All you need to do is to change the application mode and swap the vibration sensors.
  • Human vibration analyzer Type 4447

    Results on the spot

    The graphical display with 124x124 pixels provides constant detailed feedback and lets you evaluate measurements immediately, such as to demonstrate how a person's working pattern or tool/machine maintenance influences vibration exposure.    
  • Human vibration analyzer Type 4447

    供应丹麦BK公司4447型人体振动分析仪 Easy simplicity

    With just three input sockets, it is easy to know which cable goes where. One connects triaxial accelerometers, another connects single axis accelerometers, and a single USB interface covers data transfer, software maintenance and battery charging. And with just four push-buttons and a graphical display, operation is straight forward.
  • Helps choose the right accelerometer in seconds

    Different applications require accelerometers of different type and sensitivity. Type 4447 facilitates this by holding calibration information for up to 5 triaxial and 5 single-axis accelerometers. Following the on-screen guidance, calibration of a triaxial transducer can easily be done in less than two minutes. Once information is stored, swapping accelerometers only takes a few clicks.

    Human vibration analyzer Type 4447 with accessories
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