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- 检测能力达1ppm;
- 易于安装,使用及维护;
- 宽温运行;
- 符合NSI/ASHRAE 15标准;
- 2行20个字符,真空荧光管显示技术;
- 三级报警;
- 每级报警继电器输出;
- 密码保护功能;
- 可扩展采样点至8个地点。
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Chillgard 声光红外制冷剂检测仪 梅思安Chillgard® M-100Certified to UL to UL Std 61010-1 and CSA 61010 CE approval; complies with the applicable LVD and EMC directives Complies with detection requirements of ASHRAE 15-2004, EN 50270 Type 2 EN 61000-6-3 EN 61010
- USA Approvals
- UL - 120906_NYOK_E190480
- Canadian Approvals
- cUL - 120906_NYOK7_E190480
- European union
- CE Declaration of Conformity - Chillgard M100_090624