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霍尼韦尔 IQ Express全自动检测标定仪

产品编号: 3204
品牌: 霍尼韦尔
型号: IQ Express
单价: 面议
起订: 1 台
供货总量: 100 台
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 北京
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2020-12-29 17:18
浏览次数: 297

霍尼韦尔 IQ Express全自动检测标定仪 



霍尼韦尔 IQ Express全自动检测标定仪 
1. 降低标定气体使用成本
比于手动标定,Sperian全自动检测标定仪使用的气体大大减少。例如:如果您拥有10个MultiProTM气体检测仪,并且遵循ISEA推荐的指南每天在使用前进行撞击测试和校准检查,您可能每年付出气体成本高达10,000美元。如果使用对接器,您能将气体成本减少60%以上。因此,IQ ExpressTM全自动检测标定仪每年能为你节省至少6,000美元的气体成本费用。

2. 通过减少检测,标定所花费的时间来降低劳动成本
每次为一个仪器进行手动测试平均要花约2分钟的时间。IQ ExpressTM全自动检测标定仪只需约22秒就能完成一次测试。如果每天早晨,您需要为10个仪器进行测试,一年您就可以节省约60个小时的劳动时间。

3. 通过纪录保持功能,全自动检测标定仪降低劳动成本
事实上,记录保持需要大量的工作。每次下载一个个人仪器数据至电脑就要花几个小时的时间。手动追踪标定和记录花费的时间更多。使用IQ ExpressTM全自动检测标定仪,以上两个程序就能自动完成。

4. 全自动检测标定仪减少法律责任
霍尼韦尔 IQ Express全自动检测标定仪 

Docks: the most important part of an effective gas detection program

At Sperian Protection, we’re convinced that we make the best docks on themarket. Our docks offer incredible processing power and flexibility while being extremely easy to use. The worker just drops the detector in the dock at the beginning of his or her shift and the dock processes the instrument according to your recordkeeping protocols. It’s that easy.

1. Docks reduce calibration gas expenses
Sperian’s docks use a lot less gas than is used during manual calibrations. Here’s an example: If you have 10 MultiPro™ gas detectors and follow the ISEA guideline that recommends a bump test or calibration check before use each day, you could spend over $10,000 per year in gas costs. If you purchase a dock, you can reduce your gas costs by over 60%. So the IQ Express™ Dock could save you well over $6,000 per year in gas costs alone.

2. Docks reduce labor expenses by cutting down on the time needed to perform a calibration
To set up and perform a manual bump test of a single instrument takes the average user about 2 minutes. A IQ Express™ Dock can perform a bump test in about 22 seconds. If you need to bump 10 instruments every morning, you could save over 60 hours of labor by the end of the first year.

3. Docks reduce labor expenses associated with recordkeeping
Let’s face it: Recordkeeping is a lot of work. Downloading individual instrument records one at a time into a PC can take hours. Tracking calibration and exposure records by hand is even worse. In a IQ Express™ Dock, both of these procedures occur automatically during instrument processing.

4. Docks can reduce your legal liability
No matter how good your recordkeeping is, manual systems are prone to error. In case of an accident, errors mean liability. Our docks accurately record every test. Your recordkeeping is flawless.

霍尼韦尔 IQ Express全自动检测标定仪 
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