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霍尼韦尔 IQ Express全自动检测标定仪
型号:IQ Express
    霍尼韦尔 IQ Express全自动检测标定仪


    • 为ToxiPro®和Toxi Ltd®单一气体检测器配置的全自动撞击测试和全自动检测标定仪;
    • 自动识别检测仪,测试报警和电池并下载记录;
    • 如需要,自动标定;
    • 每种气体可同时连接四个全自动检测标定仪;
    • 可通过USB或以太网连接电脑(可选购);
    • 所需流量阀,标准气体和ToxiPro、ToxiLtd单独出售。
    霍尼韦尔 IQ Express全自动检测标定仪

    • A fully automated bump test and calibration station for the ToxiPro® and ToxiLtd® single gas detectors
    • Automatically identifies detector, tests alarms and battery, and downloads records
    • Automatic detector calibration, if necessary
    • Link up to four docks to a single gas supply
    • Connects to PC via USB port or Ethernet (optional)
    • Demand flow regulators, calibration gas and ToxiPro and ToxiLtd each sold eparately
    霍尼韦尔 IQ Express全自动检测标定仪

    霍尼韦尔 IQ Express全自动检测标定仪

    • 为ToxiPro®和Toxi Ltd®单一气体检测器配置的全自动撞击测试和全自动检测标定仪;
    • 自动识别检测仪,测试报警和电池并下载记录;
    • 如需要,自动标定;
    • 每种气体可同时连接四个全自动检测标定仪;
    • 可通过USB或以太网连接电脑(可选购);
    • 所需流量阀,标准气体和ToxiPro、ToxiLtd单独出售。
    霍尼韦尔 IQ Express全自动检测标定仪

    • A fully automated bump test and calibration station for the ToxiPro® and ToxiLtd® single gas detECtors
    • Automatically identifies detector, tests alarms and battery, and downloads records
    • Automatic detector calibration, if necessary
    Link up to four docks to a single gas supply
    • Connects to PC via USB port or Ethernet (optional)
    • Demand flow regulators, calibration gas and ToxiPro and ToxiLtd each sold eparately

    霍尼韦尔 IQ Express全自动检测标定仪
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